Her story 

Her bare feet curled up, at the edge of the chair, she told her story. Her eyes moist, cause she knew she was still searching for answers. But her heart whispered “it’s ok – I’ve got this.”
At that moment she realised she was exactly where she wanted to be and it was all part of His plan.She thought to her self and said “hey I make a good juggler but yeah at times I get a little confused and it all falls” 

then a little voice said to her ” but then you pick it all up and start again”

And a smile cut across her face😊
She looked outside the window, all excited cause it was raining , and her heart jumped for joy.
The pakodas, chaai , little snails crawling, earthworms making their way through puddles..she knew in that instant it was going to be fine. 
This beautiful thing called LIFE caught her with outstretched arms and she looked up.. and said Thank You.  

Do you believe ? 

If you believe, you will be able to face the world & reality. 

‘It’s when we don’t, that we try to avoid it.’
At times even I forget, then when He & I talk, that’s when it hits me & I tell myself, ‘Why did you waste your time fighting with yourself & the world? Why didn’t I go to Him in the 1st place?’
**some of you maybe thinking, what’s with her these days?

But I’m only sharing my experience.

We’ll read books & articles from writers & bloggers and share.

I ain’t any of it. I’m just me. Sharing my own experience, in my own small way. 😊
Truth be told – if you really want help, all you have to do is look up. 🙏

In search of myself 

Homesexuality.. some of us support this concept or our friends and loved ones, without ever understanding the reason why it even happens. Leave aside it being perverse but the fact that the issue is far more deep routed ..it could be 

(1) all the way back to conception, 

(2) upbringing – role played by father & mother 

(3) and finally society 
Other yet serious issues: April could have a bad temper, Joshua could have a hunch and Chloe could be a tom boy , or I could be scared of the dark and many more examples and yet we never know why we are the way we are. 
Yet again ‘Unmasking the Lie’, by Anthony Lobo. 

Do we live in ‘denial, or stand firm on the way we’ve lived thus far or have a “we know it all” attitude, this doesn’t apply to me, I read a lot, I have my ways’ 


do we introspect and search for answers in Prayer, reading , counselling and correct them? 
Just a deeper understanding of oneself, which if accepted, can lead to forgiveness & healing and a more meaningful Life.
For me I think I’d like to understand myself better. 

I don’t have all the answers. 

Only God has them🙏 so I’ll keep talking to Him ( on and on and on and on 😊 )

Flags, roses, the upright hand.. wait .. STOP ✋🏼

And many more people got inked. So very proud .. proud citizens. Making our country proud.
I have to ask though ; “are you really proud?”
So we watched the men and women of high society not too long ago, carrying broomsticks in their hands and surrounded by you & me locals cleaning the streets of Mumbai and everywhere else. Are you telling me that they managed to clean the streets of India so quickly ? What happened, why did they stop sweeping? No wait I think they said “abracadabra, go away garbage ” and lo and behold it was done … Clean India … wow . Mission possible.

Which brings me back to the inking. Over the years , over generations of governments, the parties campaigned around our streets , promising a better tomorrow & we believed and voted.

Ah did any of those governments put up garbage bins at regular intervals on the streets of India?

And whatever happened to the Clean India campaign, in the past 2 years , I haven’t seen any such initiative to keep our streets clean & live by that promise.

But then it hit me.. we are still making them bins..in India and oh yes! And we all know, how long that’ll take. Until then, can those ladies in glass houses return back to the streets or better yet set up garbage bins for us.

Where I live, the garbage is collected only at 10am, which means that the streets and our lanes are not cleaned in time for a new day. Why can’t we have a system which ensures our roads and by lanes are cleaned by 7am and the garbage collectors can finish their morning shift and get around to something more financially productive for them during the day or even eductaing them?
In the theatre halls there are advertisements of cleanliness.. why only theatres and the rest of the places?

We can keep voting and debating on who won and why ..

I only ask this question how many more years will our country take to set up something so basic as garbage bins on our streets or are they ok to see garbage been thrown out of cars and dumped on the roads, while we continue to hold up and say “Clean India”!

365days +1 and blessed

It’s the 30th of Dec and I sit here  by myself reflecting on the 365 days that have gone by [leap year]
To be honest, over the past 2 months there’s been this word buzzing in my head.. a word I disliked over the years and just never liked hearing it when used in conversation “OUTSIDER”

Today as a sit to reflect on the year 2016, it finally came to me, that much as disliked the word, one thing I did do this year is not be an outsider to my own self. I just decided to listen to that inner voice in my head , that inner voice in my heart and slowly but surely, I found my way back to myself. 

Did I make peace with myself .. I’m not sure how to answer that, but I definitely found peace with God. Do I talk to him everyday? Some days I have dedicated time with Him and some days as I am knocking around through the day, I talk to Him.
And with that life just changed. The retreat was the turning point of my life in 2016 and ohh I danced up and down with joy over my experience and never shy to share with you all, over and over. 🙂 
And so the drift continued and it got stronger in time and it still has a long journey to go together.
I am no more “the outsider” .. do I still like the word being used? .. NO. it’s a very cold word and wouldn’t like to hear it or feel it either or even use in conversation with anyone or for anyone. 

365 days and 1 more to go & I am surely looking forward to 2017 to experience and enjoy and learn from Gods amazing plans for me.

Wishing you all A very happy year ending to 2016 and All the best & Gods blessing on each one of you and your families as you step into 2017. 

Cheers !! Life in itself is beautiful 🙂

Volare … Cantare 🎶🎶🎶oh oh oh oh

The countdown has begun.. not for the year ending … nah , I’m counting the days, of more love, enjoyment, peace with a pinch of hurt, but lots of happiness, my special days with My Lord and Saviour, fun & laughter with loved ones, some misty eyed moments, moments with my coffee 😉 , more challenging days at work… well thats what 2016 was all about for me and therefore I prefer to cherish each day that’s left of this beautiful year and not count the days left for it to end.
The year began with a nice punch in my face.. well that got my brains sorted ☺️, then Cupid struck his arrow 💘 in Feb, I’ve wiggled & waggled like a duck through work & still smiling ( duck back na 😉) , I stepped onto a beautiful journey with Jesus, back to back holidays with loved ones, family and friends, stuffing myself with delicious food, dancing the night away, so much laughter with friends, made new friends, fun moments in Delhi with Raajma Chawal, selfies and my little cookie girl😊😘, met old friends and moments with champ, dealt with some really funny people who feel the world around them are just an ignorant lot, my wonderful coffee moments with the baron, enjoying bhaajias at a mall , trying new restaurants with family friends and on and on and on and on…
Did I have my negative moments of feeling low .. sure I did – Plenty lot, some of it I’ve shared openly on social media, But a wise and kind man cautions me to learn from them and just pray for guidance from above to walk through it.
So so That’s a month more of all of the above. Super duper 😊
Might I add the phrase “wake up and smell the coffee” ☕️sure played its part in my life😉
And I ain’t complaining.
The best of 2016 was finding My Lord & Saviour as He walked with me holding my hand.
So ‘Volare…oh oh oh..🎶’ I’m flying happy with my 2016 and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Cantare … oh oh oh … singing through the music of life.

Volare, oh oh…                           Flying, oh oh…

Cantare, ohohoho…                 Singing, ohohoho…

Nel blu dipinto di blu               Blue painted in the blue

Felice di stare lassù                  Happy to be up there

Just a closer walk with Thee.

A talk with God..
As the days went by & the months came along, she knew she was on her road to recovery. Bit by by, piece by piece and stronger and more confident to face what may come her way. 

It was a matter of time, before she dusted off the cobwebs that settled in the corners of her brain and the sea of emotions that seemed to have rubbed off a little bit of her laughter.

And SO she walked and talked & threw her arms up in the air with excitement talking about life thus far with friends and family .. She was slowly healing.
Then again was she really? 

She was happy, she was free , she was alive, yet she knew deep down she missed something. 
Until one fine day, she realised it was time she got down and prayed -And thanked HIM. 

she talked to HIM, thanked HIM for her dear life and everything that was brought to her over the years.

And HE would listens and talk to her.. And she slowly realised the one thing HE had which no one ever did was TIME… 

She didn’t have to pick the phone to call or go knocking on a friends door or chaai breaks .. 

All she had to do was just say “I need your help GOD.. “And HE was there & HE smiled & listened.

“Didi, mera pathi ko job mil gaya” ( elder sister, my husband got a job ) 

Or my Dads doing much better. And so on

And as time went by, she heard stories of how her friends who were dealing with difficult situations were slowly coming out of it and more. 

Slowly yet surely, it all began to make sense. HE was listening.
But she prayed not for problems to be taken away, but for courage and strength filled with wisdom and grace to go through it all & be aware of HIS presence at all times. She prayed for the ability to forgive & to be forgiven and understand the importance of it all.

She already knew in her darkest hour, HE walked with her home that night.

That’s all she needed to continue walking. HE was there! 

And So today, she walks tall, all of 5.2 but so thankful to GOD for everything! 
All she ever needs today is to talk to HIM and HE leads the way. 

Thank you JC.


In all it’s beauty..

My take on LIFE..
The laughter, the tears, the pain and joy, your friends and family and most importantly your Faith… all wrapped into the lovely word called LiFe. 
The twists & turns of each day.. It’s packed with itsy bits of fun & laughter, dash of tough luck, nerve wrecking situations and decision making, sprinkles of good cheer and just more.

And a new day bursts in front of you.
Some of us capture those moments through pictures, or just extend all the fun thru lunch treats, some spend it in prayer or just take a deep breath and let it all sink in, some break to pieces.
And yep that’s life. 
Life just passes you by. 

So say what you have to say & do want your heart wants you to do. Listen when people are talking, don’t let conversations bounce off, give time to your loved ones & friends. 

1. Hurting say it, people that matter will understand & not find excuses to walk away. 

2. You want to smile – go right ahead & say cheese 😁

3. You love food .. Cook it, eat, dig in.. And let the flavours of it all, explode in your mouth.😜

4. You want to dance – just get up & start tapping away. Have a partner, take them along. 

Enjoy life. And along the way if a spanner is thrown at your knees, pick it up and deal with it. Don’t try to shove it away, like it didn’t hit you. “It hit you, it hurt, it caused pain and sometimes that pain doesn’t go away, it resides in a small corner, but you learn to live your life”
Just as much as you love to remember the good days, keep the sad ones as a reminder of the lesson it taught you and how it helped you to change. 

Life is beautiful & just don’t forget to talk to God anytime. 
Thank you JC for everything.

Reality check … 

Reality check. ..

When you wake up one morning and you realize that happy as you are, with everything God has given you there’s always going to be that one thing that you miss..

And you wonder will it ever pass, will life change the way you think.. How does one let go the one wish they had and held onto for years?
Is it all too easy? Or do you just smile a little along the way with the rest and say to yourself  it could have been worse? And you watch the rest and ask yourself ” what did I miss?”

I’m certain most of us have that one little wish, which we hold so close to ourselves and as life goes by, we just carry that lil wish in our hearts and in our prayers and then, somewhere along the way you, you think to your self – maybe not or never and pull yourself up and say “nah, it’s ok” and laugh it off and join the rest.

who’s to say..you have choices and options…..But wait the question is How & Why? And then it hits you like a bolt of lightening… Reality and you look at your watch and realise it’s time to call it a day and rest.

Well it is Gods will, but holding on to something and praying for it .. That I’d like it think is the wise thing to do in this real world. Just pray.