In all it’s beauty..

My take on LIFE..
The laughter, the tears, the pain and joy, your friends and family and most importantly your Faith… all wrapped into the lovely word called LiFe. 
The twists & turns of each day.. It’s packed with itsy bits of fun & laughter, dash of tough luck, nerve wrecking situations and decision making, sprinkles of good cheer and just more.

And a new day bursts in front of you.
Some of us capture those moments through pictures, or just extend all the fun thru lunch treats, some spend it in prayer or just take a deep breath and let it all sink in, some break to pieces.
And yep that’s life. 
Life just passes you by. 

So say what you have to say & do want your heart wants you to do. Listen when people are talking, don’t let conversations bounce off, give time to your loved ones & friends. 

1. Hurting say it, people that matter will understand & not find excuses to walk away. 

2. You want to smile – go right ahead & say cheese 😁

3. You love food .. Cook it, eat, dig in.. And let the flavours of it all, explode in your mouth.😜

4. You want to dance – just get up & start tapping away. Have a partner, take them along. 

Enjoy life. And along the way if a spanner is thrown at your knees, pick it up and deal with it. Don’t try to shove it away, like it didn’t hit you. “It hit you, it hurt, it caused pain and sometimes that pain doesn’t go away, it resides in a small corner, but you learn to live your life”
Just as much as you love to remember the good days, keep the sad ones as a reminder of the lesson it taught you and how it helped you to change. 

Life is beautiful & just don’t forget to talk to God anytime. 
Thank you JC for everything.